World Logistics Network, Inc. (WLN) is a global network of transportation and logistics companies that specialize in both general freight forwarding by Truck, Air & Ocean and also Niche/Specialized markets services. WLN is managed on a completely neutral and independent basis.
Companies are eligible to enroll into the WLN without any exclusion based on market status, company size, specialist operations, or existing agent/partner affiliations. Membership is limited to companies with an operating history of 2+ years and have a website and email addresses (other than free address such as yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc).
The Management Team shall have the absolute right to accept or reject Membership Applicants. No reason needs to be given.
Termination and revocation of Membership:
Termination and revocation of Membership:
Membership of WLN shall be terminated in event of any of the following:
- (i) Voluntary resignation of the member.
- (ii) Non-payment of the Membership Fees within 30 days after advice that the member has been accepted for Premium Membership.
- (iii) Non-payment of Annual Fees within 30 days
- (iv) Death of a Member operating as a sole-proprietor; Dissolution of a Company based on cessation of trading or the sale or transfer of more that 50% of the stock or operating assets
- (v)Continuous non-responses to accounting, operational or WLN matters, violation of any provisions of this Membership Agreement that are deemed by the WLN Management Team– at its own absolute power and discretion – to warrant such revocation.
- (vi)The Member failing to maintain the high standards established by the WLN which result in excessive numbers of complaints being raised by other Members.
- (vii)Non-attendance at Conferences in 2 consecutive years.
- (ix)Any principal of a Member having or assuming a leadership position or ownership in a network that competes directly with WLN
Resignation or revocation of Membership during the year will not entitle the Member to any refund of the Annual Membership Fees. Fees are not transferable under any circumstances.
In the event of termination or revocation of Membership – for whatever reason – Member agrees to remove the WLN name, logo etc. from its literature, publicity materials etc. and to refrain from the active solicitation of business under the name and good-reputation of WLN.
Members agree that all actions taken by the WLN member Management Team in respect of Membership shall be final and binding. There shall be no mechanism to appeal such decisions. Members agree that the WLN Management Team shall inform all existing members of the termination or revocation of membership stating the reasons for such occurrence (although the WLN Management Team shall not be obligated to provide full details of such reasons).
Conferences are held primarily to allow members to meet face-to-face to discuss existing and new business and relationships. To this end, the WLN Management Team shall give members ample opportunity to pre-plan, coordinate and schedule these meetings.
All Members are expected to attend the annual Conference that will be held in May of each year. Additional meetings may be organized as needed.
Failure by a Member to attend the annual Conference will result in a penalty of $500 unless there are serious mitigating factors acceptable to the WLN Management Team made in advance of the Conference in writing. Failure to attend a 2nd consecutive Conference may result in revocation of Membership at the discretion of the WLN Management Team.
Accounting and Settlement:
It is expected that members of WLN shall adhere to industry acceptable accounting and settlement standards unless separate agreements are in place between members.
Disputes and Arbitration:
The WLN Management Team is available to use his independent status to resolve disputes and differences between members. Should this service be required, both parties must agree in advance to accept the majority decision of the WLN Management Team without resorting to further litigation.
- The working language of WLN shall be English.
- All rights, title and interest in the name WLN and associated logo are owned by WLN with trademark pending.
- Communications shall be primarily by email. Members are expected to maintain an email account and the facility to access attachments in Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe PDF.
- WLN shall not be responsible for any damages or legal claims beyond the amount of Annual Membership Fees paid in the preceding year by the specific party.
Member Name
World Logistics Network, Inc.
Andrew D. Titley, Executive Director WLN Management Team